Sunday, March 16, 2008

Birds Project 2007

"Conceived as a child's toys these small sculptures are made of found objects, from the beach at Apollo Bay Victoria".
link to birds project on my wesite

This project stayed dormant for a long time but it has re-surfaced again.

I went for a walk on a beach last week (March 2008) and found that
the pieces of driftwood washed ashore were all looking like pieces to a puzzle which wanted to come together.
The result was about 20 birds made in one evenings work. It took a little longer to string them up in my studio and take photos on a text background.

The text is made up of names of extinct bird species.


Jessica said...

the birds are really lovely. fragile, so pretty!

ainesse said...

Loved your writing about this project as in relation to your daughter (lucky her ) my dad died when I was 3 so never knew him.

The talk of childhood and making things out of discarded clutter in our environment WAS the best fun ever. I still love to play. Thats why I am committed to making art all of the time. Thought your photos of the birds were well put together too. Its always worth taking the trouble. What you get in the end validates and authenticates that creative energy somehow. Excellent blog - I have been on here far too long.
